June 22, 1944
Dear Ann,
You are always saying you haven’t heard from me for two or three weeks. So this should reach you one week after my last letter.
I am in fine health taking a little rest after a few exciting days.
It is a little cool today love to have to keep a jacket on to keep warm.
Just before I started writing this I washed out a towel a pair of socks and two Hanki’s They were pretty dirty I didn’t get them too clean but they will be better than before.
I usually sleep with my shoes on we never know when we have to take off in a hell of hurry.
It is nearly dinner time. It will be ten in one ration again that is our regular food these days.
10 in 1 rations were meal kits for 10 men in one package.
Koehler, Franz A., Special Rations for the Armed Forces: Army Operational Rations – A Historical Background, QMC Historical Studies, Historical Branch, Office of the Quartermaster General, Washington, D.C. (1958)
We do have stoves to warm it and make coffee. As ever Felix
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