Nov 12, 1941
Dear Ann, Did you get my card yet?
We are still here, but I don’t no what the delay is we were all packed Thur Morning ready to go but they haven’t given us the word yet, it may be in, the morning, when we leave.
We are having blackouts here one Wed night, there is talk about one tonight. No body here in Camp seem to be so very worried about the war, of coarse it will be different if we really get to fighting. that is us guys because some are all ready fighting
They won’t let us leave the Camp, we have to stay close to the barracks so we will all be around if we have to leave. This morning there were three trains (a little way from here on the side track they all pulled out with men. We don’t no where any one goes they don’t tell us a word. I guess we won’t have a very good Christmas this year won’t be able to go any where, I hope you all have a good time, try and have some fun for me, and be sure and don’t worry about me, Because I am all right, I allmost feel as if I want to get at those Japs and the rest that want to fight.
I got a letter from Garnet to day, I was surprise if you see her tell her I will answer after a while. How is everything around home?
It is almost bed time 9 P.M. ha ha and the light will go out. So I better quit. you better not send me any mail till I till I let you no my new address. I hope we stay a couple of more days then I will get almost all of the mail that is on the way now. If you see anybody I no tell them I am moving, so they won’t write to me here, I guess tomorrow is Lucille’s birthday isn’t it? Well good – bye Felix
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