
Postcard from War Department

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Is he still so cocky like.

Mrs. Richard Drodt Ida Michigan PASSED BY US ARMY EXAMINER June 19, 1943 Dear Ann: received your letter with the pictures they are pretty good. What are you doing today? We had two inspections this morning now I think we will get the afternoon off. I hope we do I never did like to do Read more

I sure could go for some short cake

June 14, 1943 Dear Helen, I will try and write to you before I go to bed. Its a nice night to-night, should be very good sleeping. I went to a National league ball game yesterday saw a double header darn good games, certainly was good to see a ball game again. The weather has Read more

took out some more insurance

Dear Ben + All. I will drop you a line to let you know I am ok. Gosh its too bad you are having so much rain. I read in the Monroe paper that even some of the roads were washed out. We have been having beautiful weather except for today it keeps raining off Read more

We are back in New Jersey

POSTMARKEDNEW BRUNSWICKJUN 57:30 PM1943N.J Mrs. Richard DrodtIda Michigan June 5, 1943 Dear Ann, I am dropping you only a few lines to let you know we moved last night. We are back in New Jersey. By the way on the way down here we went throu Kingston N.Y. About 10 or 15 miles from Uncle Read more

He sure is a dilly for inspection

F. SwehlaCo B 803 T.D.Pine CampNew York POSTMARKEDWATERTOWNMAY 234:30 PM1943N.Y.FREE Mrs. Richard DrodtIda MichiganPine Camp N.Y. May 22, 1943 Dear Ann, I just now got your card and one yesterday. I am glad Ben is getting better, this would be heck of a time to be laid up. One good thing Art is there. He Read more

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