Whitter, Calif
Nov 24, 1941
Dear Ann, How be YOU.
Will write you a few lines while I am over to John and Sylvia I wrote a letter to Ben a while ago. I don’t no much news. Only that we had a nice trip. I am a little tired today as I didn’t sleep much last nite. Played cards till mid night then sat around and listened to the men tell jokes, that was in the club car then When I went to our own car, Lucille was stretched out over her own seat and mine too I didn’t want to wake her so I went back to the club car, and slept there for a couple of hr, then It was morning.
Was you over home? I suppose it was sorta quiet around there. What did Ben say? Did you go right home from Toledo Sat? or did you stop anywhere?
Sylvia and John went to town after some groceries, Lucille is getting her hair fixed, young Sylvia s beating a rug for a neighbor woman. Leona is getting Supper and I am writing this. so I guess you no what were doing now. Jo is out playing I will go back to Camp sometime to- morrow I wish I could stay here for a week at least Sylvia wants to know so many ?s about Ma. and everybody. You should here her and Lucille XXX its so nice and warm here right now I’ll bet its quite cold at home. Well We just had a beer on John. Twas good. ha. ha. Ha! Ha! Rich got Lee Mosme for Christmas. What is he going to get him ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!
It seems funny to write a letter and not to have to ask how Ma is. This is all I can think about, I will write again from Camp. Good Bye Love Felix isn’t that nice writing? Ha. Ha.
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