
Boy it sure makes a big boom noise.

Aug 21, Camp Hood Dear Ben and All: I rec’d your letter and box of Apples got the apples this evening. They were beat up a little  but  not bad they are good sorta juice the peaches were all smashed to hell can’t even tell if it was peaches if I didn’t fine the pits. Read more

I’ll bet he played plenty of suck ass to make Sgt.

Aug 16 Dear Ann, I thought I would drop you a line on this free paper. Ha. Ha. This is where we stayed last nit and are making use of the room today. Erwin and a fellow by name of Newton, and I got this room together, has a bath and a shower, boy we Read more

Spiders are thick and rattle snakes are plentyfull too.

August 8, 1942 Dear Ann; Will write you a few lines while I am waiting for our freight train to come in with our trucks, we got here yesterday morning about 9:30 Sat all of us trucks drivers were left here to bring the trucks to camp about 14 miles we have to stay some Read more

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