Feb 4, 1944
Dear Ann,
I received your speedy letter to night. It really was a surprise to get once in then days. Because lately most of the letters are a month old before I get them.
That certainly was bad news about Wayne and Mary. I bet they do feel bad. Let see how many kids do they have is it two or three?
Our ___ weather has been rather decent the month of Jan. some rain but not too bad haven’t froze since Nov. really colder inside our building than outdoors.
Oh about this girl. I was dancing with W.R.E.N. Women Royal Enlisted Navy “get me”.
I haven’t been doing much scouting around since I got off my furlough. My money was little short, but but now its after pay day. So maybe I’ll be able to get out again. Every now and then I put some money in the army saving at 4% interest so maybe I will have a little when I get out.
I try and have as much fun as possible it would be a hell hole if we didn’t. I have to go for a couple hours on a problem to night. From Felix
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