Dec 25, 1944
Christmas in Luxemburg
Dear Ann,
Well here it is Christmas and I am thankful I am back in a place I can write. Yesterday we came back from the front, Those darn Krauts certainly tried to give us a bad time. “They” did. But in turn we give them a bad time and as usual we ended up on top. They are giving us all they got at present. But I believe by the time you receive this letter we will have them in their place.
Well this is the first meal we are having at the kitchen in quite some time. And boy are we boys (happy) to be back. And “Gee” we have Turkey. It is now about 2:00 PM and we eat at 3:00. So I don’t know exactly what else they have in store, but I did see some fruit cocktail pie.
(After dinner) Well boy golly I am so full don’t know if I will be able to write or not. And gosh I am even smoking a Christmas cigar.
Now that dinner is over I will tell you what else we feasted on, We certainly had a swell dinner and we sure needed it as most of the boys and myself were pretty low after last week struggle. Now – Turkey mashed potatoes, + Sweet Potatoes, gravy brown asparagus cranberrys, and that fruit cocktail pie with whip cream. It was a darn good dinner. Army style.
I am writing this with the pen from you. Boy it certainly is a dandy. Thank you very very much for it later on I will finish this with the pencil to see how it works.
I got the package on the 22nd of Dec. The cough drops come in handy too I gust happened that I had a little cold. Boy we put the nuts away in a hurry.
Also the pink sheet of the Toledo Blade. My crew and I enjoy it so much, and those darn good magazines, some times send some in that line again, there are five of us that read them then pass on to the other crews. We sure enjoyed the Band Leaders magazine.
One fellow in the crew can sing pretty good he is only 21 years old, and small not much good for anything, but he certainly keeps us happy. He is from N.Y. good kid tho.
I got the crippling of Jack Winter, I hope you got to see him, Yes! he was there to see Mother, I feel so bad about him.
I got a package from Lucille and this one from you and a can of peanuts from a girl I know in Watertown, NY. She is a WOC now. So I suppose will get still get some more any day now. These peanuts I got today on Christmas. Pretty good Eh. Last year I got all my packages before Thanksgiving. This year they come right on time.
Here is the pencil works too. There is snow of the grown again. Cold too. But the Sun was out for two days now so it is not too bad.
I guess I will sing off for today, had a nice xmas, my fourth in the service. So here is wishing you a happy new year. Carry on for me at Hickory Will you?
Your bro Felix
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