
The Barracks here are the best

March 30, 1943

Dear Ben + All;

Got your letter couple days ago only took it two days to get here. Also got that paper from [Kelley] haven’t had time to get it signed yet.

I got some more work for you to do for me. (change my address again) we landed here this morning in New York State at Pine Camp the nearest town is Watertown not far from Canada, maybe about 60 or 100 miles, its near Lake Ontario.

Its lots colder here there is some snow on the ground and they say it got low as 40° below this winter some of the old snow banks are still pretty deep.

The Barracks here are the best yet nearly new nice and warm.

There aren’t as many Soldiers here at All.

I got a nice long letter from Joe Swehla after I answer it I might send it to you. They say we are only 417 miles or so from Detroit, that isn’t far at all, now if they only give me some sorta leave.

This is the address CO “B” 803 T.D. Bn Pine Camp, New York.

Its getting late nearly time to go to bed. I jut finish building some shelves in the Sgts room’s so I am tired didn’t get much sleep on the train last night.

Gosh potatoes are good price. 2.00 pre bu is pretty darn good.

Can’t think of anything more to write so I will go to bed.

That 5.00 you send me came in handy I was dead broke.

Good Bye


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