
I could sorelly go for some of that home cooking right now.

Will try and answer your letters last week I got about four letters from you some of Sept and couple of Oct. I certainly would have liked being to Ben’s for Sunday dinner when Uncle Frank and Stolls were there. We eat pretty good as far as army food is concerned. But Boy oh Boy I could sorelly go for some of that home cooking right now. The other day I got a letter from Cec. She wrote to tell me what all they had for dinner. Then she had nerve enough to say how hard it was to get groceries every thing was ration. I though boy. I’ll take those ration any day. ha.

Last week we had the hardest week yet. what I mean by that is sleeping out in the open one morning I woke up my butt and feet were in about three inch of water sleeping bag and blankets all wet! “some fun”

Last Thur I sent Lucille a little souvenir I hope she gets it ok. Its so hard to buy anything every thing really is ration in England. She will write and tell you what it is when she gets it. I will try and send all of you some little gadget. It may take a long time to get around all of you. but will try my best

I thought I had it all fixed up. 5000 to you and five to Ben and Cora as the third person in care anything happend to you and Ben. I will try and fine out about it. if there isn’t any thing I can doI think I’ll write Ben and have him divide it amongst all of you. Do you think that is ok or fair enough?

good bye for today from Felix

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