Dear Ben + All How is everyone back home? I am feeling fine. The weather is about the same maybe a little cooler. Has been raining a little nearly every day. I got a birthday card from Sylvia and Thelma on my birthday. – no it wasn’t either. I got them on Monday I suppose
Dear Ben and All I have some time to day so I will write you a letter. I was on guard from 4 this morning to 8 now I have the whole day off till 8 tonight then I will have to guard 4 more hours. I guess for about three week all we wil
Dear Ben and All! How are you all feeling? I am still ok. Even with out a cold. I can’t figur it out, me with out a cold. I am mad this morning it is Sun 9:30 o’clock. They just made us put our over-halls on and we have to go out and wash trucks.
Sun. P.M. Dec. 21, 1941 Somewhere in Wash. Dear Ben, Well write you a few lines and try to tell you the news from around here. We are being moved around like sheep. From Roberts we were sent to Ft. Lewis, Wash. Stay there 3 day then we were trucked to Seattle, Wash. To guard