
We haven’t done a damn thing

Hello Ann and Rich, Got your letter today. Was here yesterday but I had to pay 3 cents to get it so I didn’t get it till today. The pictures were pretty good. too bad some of them were sorta dark. We haven’t done a damn thing since I got back, last night we went Read more

they say we wont be here by the 15th

Camp Hood Sept 2, 1942 Dear Ben, I will write you a few lines to nite I don’t have any thing special to do its only 6 o’clock and I am all throu some thing strange for we really work til dark. Well we got some news today. They say we wont be here by Read more

I like to watch them drill now that I am an old Soldier.

Dear Ben and All I have some time to day so I will write you a letter. I was on guard from 4 this morning to 8 now I have the whole day off till 8 tonight then I will have to guard 4 more hours. I guess for about three week all we wil Read more

Makes us so mad pay tax and in the army.

Dear Ann and Rich, How be you? I have my first cold and sore throat, tis not so bad now last night my throat was pretty sore. I went on sick call this morning the Dr. took my temperature it was ok then he swabs my throughout and gave me some pills and told me Read more

Feb 17, 1942

Dear Ben, Well we are back in Ft. Lewis Wash again, we were suppose to stay out  on the coast for about 3-5 week. Bu Sunday P.M. They said pack up and be ready to move back in one hour. So here we are, I guess some Inf outfit is out there now. The weather Read more

there is nothing like Mich beer

Dear Ann, Well I am on guard again today. A little different guard all I done this morning was rode on a truck with my gun and had to watch two prisoners. We were hauling coal for the barracks. Some of the prisoners are sorta tough and some are not so bad. Most of them Read more