
Morris Camp on Reelfoot Lake

Reelfoot Lake is in Tennessee. Perhaps Felix was returning to Texas via Tennessee from a Furlough in Michigan. Read more

How be you to night? I be fine.

T/5 Felix E Swehla CO B. 803 T.D. Bn U.T.C Group “2” Camp Hood Texas Sept 17 Dear Ann, How be you to night? I be fine. boy I just had a nice shower this is the third one this week.   two of us were transferred to 602 for four days its at Camp Read more

hill was called vomit hill

Dear Ann, Sun. and what a dull day it rained this morning I had to get up while it was still dark and put our tent down so our beds won’t get wet. I think its through raining know. I wrote a letter to John Ralis, I don’t feel much like writing but will try Read more

I’ll bet he played plenty of suck ass to make Sgt.

Aug 16 Dear Ann, I thought I would drop you a line on this free paper. Ha. Ha. This is where we stayed last nit and are making use of the room today. Erwin and a fellow by name of Newton, and I got this room together, has a bath and a shower, boy we Read more

Spiders are thick and rattle snakes are plentyfull too.

August 8, 1942 Dear Ann; Will write you a few lines while I am waiting for our freight train to come in with our trucks, we got here yesterday morning about 9:30 Sat all of us trucks drivers were left here to bring the trucks to camp about 14 miles we have to stay some Read more

I guess he is doing ok for himself.

July 20th Monday nit 7:45. Well I will write to you one more from Wash. we are being transferred to Texas. I believe it will be to Camp Hood. don’t know just when we are leaving but the last report is it might be Sat or Sun. I am glad of the transfer but they Read more

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