
Postcard from War Department

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We arrived in England safe and sound.

England July 4th Dear Ben + All – I suppose by now you are wondering where I am and why I haven’t been writing. We arrived in England safe and sound. It was a nice long ride, but I enjoyed it very much. Certainly saw lots of water but it wasn’t bad as I thought Read more

Here I use three blankets to cover up with at night.

England, July 14, 1943 Dear Ben + All; Just got through playing a little ball so now I will spend a little time time writing. How is every thing at home? You must have your wheat cut by now. How was it this year? I got a letter from Ann, wrote June 26 “I believe!” Read more

A couple of us just come back from having a cup of tea

Dear Ben + All How is everyone back home? I am feeling fine. The weather is about the same maybe a little cooler. Has been raining a little nearly every day. I got a birthday card from Sylvia and Thelma on my birthday. – no it wasn’t either. I got them on Monday I suppose Read more

The wheat crops look very very good

Hello Ben + All Just a few lines to complete my letter writing for today. This makes no 4. I am as I usually feel and that is good. Had a cold for about two weeks, its finally left me. The weather has been a little better this past week. Today was a very nice Read more

we are doing about the same thing we did back in the States.

VMAIL  T/5 Felix E. Swehla 36129326 Co B. 803 T.D. Bn A.P.O. 645 c/o Postmaster New York. NY July 25, 1943 TIMESTAMPED JULY 26, 1943 Dear Ann and all – I am taking it easy this Sun after – noon. Now I want to write about three letters. How is everything at home? we are Read more

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