
I suppose you are busy with the corn.

Nov 6, 1944 Dear Ben + All: Just now finished reading your Vmail so before I go to bed I will scratch off a few lines to you. Glad that all of you keep well. I am still all in one hunk and feel just fine. By the way you mentioned getting one of my Read more

The election is over and I voted for the man that won.

Nov 20, 1944 Dear Ben, I recieved your V-mail the 19th that was yesterday. you wrote it the 1st, took nearly three weeks to get here.  Ha! ha! So now you use 20 gauge shells in the 16 guage. Ha. Too bad I wasn’t there I would have rubbed it in. Boy! would “Al” have Read more

Things are about the same over here plenty darn rough.

Dec 2 1944 Germany Dear Ann; I put off writing to you thinking I would get my pen or some sort of package from you. But so far nothing has come. When it did come I was going to answer right away. That I received it. But now I decided to write so now I Read more

Christmas in Luxemburg

Dec 25, 1944 Christmas in Luxemburg Dear Ann,Well here it is Christmas and I am thankful I am back in a place I can write. Yesterday we came back from the front, Those darn Krauts certainly tried to give us a bad time. “They” did. But in turn we give them a bad time and Read more


Dec 31, 1944 Dear Ben, Helen and children. Will write you one more letter this year. Only eight more hours before the year of 1945, So if this war ends in 1944 it better hurry, kinda looks like it won’t. But my guess it will be over before June. That is the latest it may Read more

I don’t know how it happened to come that we got time to play cards

VMAIL Jan 2, 1945 Bear Ben, Just a couple days ago I wrote to you but since then It came to my mine that Jan the 11the is your birthday. So I we send you this Vmail for a card. Happy Birthday! Boy its darn cold out today. I believe last night it was near Read more

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