
had two meals of rabbit

VMAIL Jan 25, 1944 Dear Ben + All This is Sat night. Isn’t it funny when I was home it would have been pretty hard to keep me in on Sat night to write a letter. It doesn’t make much difference what night you go out. one night is like another. It is raining out Read more

I try and have as much fun as possible it would be a hell hole if we didn’t

VMAIL Feb 4, 1944 Dear Ann, I received your speedy letter to night. It really was a surprise to get once in then days. Because lately most of the letters are a month old before I get them. That certainly was bad news about Wayne and Mary. I bet they do feel bad. Let see Read more

You certainly go to the movies often don’t you?

Vmail Feb 15, 1944 Dear Ann, Guess I will drop you a line before I do anything else. You always want to know what we rather I do. Well I can’t hardly tell you all we do. It won’t go through. About all we do is the same we did a year two years ago. Read more

wish they could flavor it with caraway seed

England March 12, 1944 Dear Ben, Finished doing my washing this morning so now I will do some writing. It is a nice day, pretty warm the sun is out so it is a nice bright day. Gosh we sure can not sick on the weather lately. Some of the early trees are starting to Read more

I built two little benches to sit on

Dear Ann, Will drop you this sheet to let you know I am ok. Hope you are well. Again today it was such a nice day like Spring. The nights are cold. About a week ago we had to move. I used to live down on the first floor now I live on the third Read more

Station F.E.S. Signing off

England March 17, 1944 Dear Ann, Here it is St. Patrick Day. Wish I were home to take in one of the many dances that will be in swing tonight. Lets see maybe they took place last night. I am send you part of the stars and stripes. Its another nice day. The sun is Read more

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